I've had a really good weekend and I'm really, really happy about it! :'D

Yessss! :D It's been a really nice change from how things have been, too, English has kinda been really overwhelming and stuff, but I didn't have to do anything for homework or anything, and overall good stuff's been happening, which is really nice! ;u;
The internet here at Dad's is literally five times faster now, ahaha. xD Turns out we weren't getting the speed we were paying for for some reason? .3. I don't think we're really sure why on that, but it's fixed now, so that's good! :o
There's a really noticeable difference between how the internet is now and how it was before it got fixed. xD
Anyway, I really wish I could write more here tonight, but it's already almost ten PM, so I have to get off for tonight. D:
But I'll be on again tomorrow for sure! ;o; I'll try to get more written here then. ;u;
Good night guys! quq

I don't think I've recovered from my three AM adventure yet, aha. xD

Naaaaahhhhh. x'D I crashed reeeally hard somewhere around seven tonight, and I'm gonna take a wild guess and say it's probably because I haven't caught up on sleep yet from Friday night's three AM adventure, ahaha.
It was definitely worth it, though, and I don't really mind being sleepy right now or anything! :o
I didn't really do much today, honestly! I was in town for a little while with Mum and Melissa to get some stuff, and I printed out some pictures from some adventures I've been on and some I have with Grahm and Thomas and I hung those on my wall, but other than that I basically haven't accomplished anything, whoooops. ^^;
Ah well though, I didn't really have anything in particular I needed to do anyway, so it's okay. xD
Anyway, I'd write more here tonight, but I'm reeeeally sleepy, so I think I'm just gonna stop for tonight. quq I'm not really 100% sure if I'm gonna actually go to bed yet or not, since Thomas is streaming and I thiiiink I'm gonna attempt watching that for a while, but otherwise I'm probably just gonna crash.
I'll be on again tomorrow, though! :o I'll try to get more written here then if I can. ^^
Good night guys! :D

I spent like twenty of the last twenty eight-ish hours laying on my bed and I'm still really sleepy. xD

I'm not entirely convinced this is how things should be working, but here we are, ahaha. x'D
I didn't really do a whole lot today, honestly! :o Thomas and I were watching youtube videos last night and today, we went and got lunch around twelve this afternoon, and we were with Terryn and her friend Riley for like three hours between two and five-ish, and then before Thomas left we went to go put gas in his truck, but other than that I didn't really do anything particularly noteworthy, aha. It was a really good day, though! :D Last night and today were both really good, I'm really happy they happened. ewe
Anyway, I think I'm gonna go to bed for tonight, because it's getting late, and I was kiiiinda up until probably around three AM last night, so I should probably definitely go to bed, aha. xD
I'll be on again tomorrow for sure, though! :D I'll try to get more written here then. X3
Good night guys! ^.^


AAAAHH. ;U; I'm not ready for snow at alllllll. xD It's raining really hard on and off now, though, and I think there's a chance for flurries tonight too? D: The weather forecast said rain or flurries though, so maybe it'll just be rain. :o Ideally it doesn't rain or snow, though, aha. x'D
I'm finishing off the personal version of the last drawing in my portfolio now! :D Or at least I'm hoping to, anyway. uvu I haven't had a chance to really do this until now. :o
Thomas is probably coming over tonight, though, so I'm not 100% sure how much of anything I'm gonna get done! 030 I'm excited though, ahaha. :3
I figured I'd get this done now, so then I don't have to worry about getting it done later or anything! ^^
So I think I'm gonna go and keep working on that drawing, so I can fINALLY HAVE IT COMPLETELY DONE. xD
I'll be on tomorrow again for sure, though! :D I prooobably won't be on again tonight or anything though, and I'm not sure how much I'll get written tomorrow or anything. 030 But I'll be on again tomorrow!
Bye guys! :3