I'm half done my exams now! :D

Yeah! :3 At least until June, anyway, aha. xD 

I did history today, and I'll have math tomorrow, but other than that I'm done until June! uvu 

I didn't study as much for math as I planned to originally, but I think I'm gonna be okay. .3. I meant to study more after supper, but I ended up just crashing out of nowhere and honestly I feel like I could totally end up just falling asleep if I stayed up too late tonight, aha. x'D 

I'll probably just look over my review and stuff tomorrow morning before I leave for school and before the exam. uvu I've already passed the class anyway though, so I mean that's good! :D 

Anyway, I think I am gonna go to bed for tonight now, I woke up a few times in the middle of the night last night too so that might be part of the reason I'm tired, so I think I'm gonna try to get to sleep a little earlier tonight. 030 Hopefully I stay asleep tonight, I don't really think I wanna wake up at two again tonight, ehhh. xD

I'll be on again tomorrow for sure though, and I'll try to get more written here then if I can! ^.^ 

Good night guys! :3