YEAH! :'D Like, no part of today was bad and that's kind of amazing. xD

Rise Against's new album came out today, and it's rEEEALLLY GOOD. ;U; I love it a ton! ewe

And I can't remember if I've mentioned this here before or not, I probably have but just in case I'm gonna explain anyway, aha. xD I'm commissioning someone on dA for plushies of Alexander and King! :D And I found out today that the one of King is 70% done and just aHHHH. :'D 

Aaand I finished my final project for film and video! X3 And the deadline for everything else in that class assignment-wise was today, so I don't have to worry about any of that stuff anymore either! It's just the exam I have left to do in this course. ^^ 

I got to go back up to the guidance office and finish the project during arts entrepreneurship today, since we had a substitute teacher and we weren't doing anything, and I asked if I could go finish my project since he'd let another guy in my class go do something else in I think one of the computer labs? xD And he said I could, so I went and did that, and it finished exporting basically right as the bell was ringing, too. ewe

AAAAND finally, I traded for a waterdog (which is a closed species on dA) today! :D I've wanted a waterdog for a while now, they're a loooot of fun to animate. ^-^ I traded a MYO pillowing (which is a different closed species on dA) slot I had for it, I hadn't gotten to try designing a pillowing yet, but it's suuuper rare that someone would be willing to trade a waterdog for that, and the waterdog is exactly the kind I really wanted, so it was kinda totally worth it. xD

Anyway, I'd keep writing here, but I'm writing from my iPad and I'm not gonna be able to see what I'm typing in another line, so I think I'm gonna get off for tonight. 030

I'll be on again tomorrow for sure, though! ^.^

Night guys! X3