I got called into work today. ;-;

... Yeah. ;=; I got asked this morning to work the closing shift. It was really, really busy too, and people kept coming in even after we were supposed to be closed and our signs weren't lit up anymore. D:
I made $15 in tips, but honestly, I don't really think it was worth it. ;u; The waitress working tonight has been working there nine years and that's the latest she's ever been there, ehhh.
But better today than Sunday or Tuesday, because at least today getting called in didn't mess up aaaall of my plans, just shortened them, but if I were to get called in on Sunday or Tuesday it'd be all but just throwing my plans out the window because of how long it takes to get to the city and back. ;o; If I get asked to work on either of those days I think I'm just gonna tell them I can't, because I do have plans already (at least for Sunday, and I will have plans for Tuesday in the next couple days too) and I won't be in town.
Anyway, I'd write more here tonight, but I'm kind of exhausted and I'm pretty sure I'm overtired, so I think I'm gonna go to bed. qoq
I'll be on again tomorrow for sure! uvu I'm not sure exactly how much I'll get written here then, because I'm working tomorrow too, but Saturdays aren't typically busy so that's good! :o Either way I'll write what I can here then. ^.^
Night guys! uvu