My room still smells like nail polish from when I was working on Thresh's scythe. ;u;

Yeeeeaaahhh. ;u; I don't really know how, or why it does, because I didn't put the nail polish on the edges of the scythe in my room or anything, but it does? xD
So that's something. 030 I'll probably have to open my window for a while or something, maybe? I'm actually not sure what I'm gonna do, maybe I'll just put up with the smell until it fades since it's not really strong or anything, I dunno. x'D
I'm not gonna get to see Thomas tomorrow, which kind of really sucks. ;u; It's not anyone's fault or anything, it's just the combination of all the stuff I have to do for English class, and the fact that he got called into work for tomorrow sometime this evening, so it's just not gonna work out. qoq
Anyway, I wish I could write more here tonight, but I'm kind of just really, really tired. ;o; I don't really want to think anymore today either, it's kind of just been an adventure, I'm getting really overwhelmed by everything I have to do in English, and just eeeehh. D:
So I think I'm just gonna go to bed for tonight, but I'll be on again tomorrow for sure, and I'll try to get more written here then! uvu
Good night guys! ;u;