So I’m home for March break now! :o

Yeah. :o 

I’m around home until Wednesday pretty much, except for picking up Melissa from the camp she’s at on Monday, and then my doctor’s appointment on Wednesday, and then I’m probably headed up to Thomas and Aidan’s city on Thursday, and then back home Friday night, aaand then after that back up to campus on Saturday. 

So that’s my March break in a nutshell I think? xD I’m not really sure what else is happening yet, honestly.

I drove Aidan and Owen as far as my town tonight, we tetris’d Owen and his stuff into my car, I had one empty seat in the backseat and he had to hold his stuff, and I’m not even sure what he did with his legs because Aidan had a bag and another little basket on the floor. x’D 

But we did it, somehow? So that’s definitely something, ahaha. 

It’s a little weird to be at Dad’s now too, I haven’t been here since the end of January, which feels like so long ago. :o

I’m pretty much just going to bed now though, I’m really tired, ehhhh. ;v; 

So I think I’m gonna stop writing here for tonight! But I’ll be back on again tomorrow for sure. uvu

Night guys! :D