I had the worst headache I’ve ever had this morning. qoq

Yeaaaah. ;o; I woke up pretty early with it, and I managed to go back to sleep a couple times and moooostly sleep it off, but it still came back off and on all morning, ehhh. It wasn’t quite a migraine though, so I’m not sure what it was? ;v; Hopefully it doesn’t come back tomorrow or anything, though.

Melissa and I had doctors appointments today, and I got to hang out with Gabrielle for a while afterwards too, which was really good! :D It’s only another three weeks until we move back up to campus too, and I’ll be able to hang out with everyone as a group again, which is gonna be really nice. ^^

I’m headed to bed now though I think, I have to work tomorrow and I’m getting kinda sleepy, so I think I’m gonna get off for today, but I’ll be back on again tomorrow for sure! :D

Night guys! ^.^