So the new Pokemon games come out tomorrow! :o

Yes! :o I’m not going to have it tomorrow, but maybe after my birthday or Christmas or something. I just can’t justify $90 on a game right now until I know if I’m getting any for my birthday. xD 

I think I am gonna try to grab a Chrom amiibo though, since the new one comes out tomorrow too, and Liv and Allie are going to EB Games to pick up the pokemon games they preordered, so we’ll see if they have any left or anything. xD I’ll get a discount anyway if they do, since Melissa has the membership that you get the discount with. :o

Anyway, I think I’m gonna get off for tonight now, but I’ll be back on again tomorrow for sure! :D I’ll try to talk more here then, but I’m gonna be doing work and then heading home, so I’m not sure how much energy I’ll have left. quq

Good night guys! :o