Marianas Trench was really good last night! :D

Yes! :D The venue sucked though, I got pushed around a lot and it was reeeally hard to see for all of the openers and some of the beginning of Marianas Trench too. qoq 

Other than that though, I had fun: :D

I ended up snagging a signed drum stick at the merch table for $15 too, which was really cool! :o

I didn’t get to sleep until almost 1am in the end, so that was a bit of an adventure, but I didn’t have to wake up suuuper early or anything today, so that was good at least! :o

Anyway, I think I’m gonna get off for tonight now so I can call Aidan for a couple minutes before I go to bed. ^^

I’ll definitely be on again tomorrow, though! ^.^

Night guys! ovo