We went to a horse farm to draw some horses today! :o

Yeah! :o So that was my whole morning. It went pretty good, it was kinda cold though which made it a little more difficult to draw. 

There was a puppy there when we walked in, her name was Paisley! :D She was really cute and really soft, they had her outside for a few minutes and we got to pet her then. ^^

There was a barn cat hanging around too, and he was really friendly! ^^ He kept rubbing up against my and Allie’s legs, aha. 

There was this horse there named Olga that was really sweet too, we were allowed to scratch the horses’ noses if we were careful that they didn’t think we had food and try to bite, and Olga had her face pressed up against the door of her stall so we’d scratch her. At one point she was moving her head up and down while Allie was scratching her to get some itchy spots too, aha. ovo 

Anyway, I think I’m gonna go to bed for tonight now! I’m getting pretty tired, and I might be calling Aidan for a few minutes before I go to bed too, so I’m gonna get off and start getting ready for bed so I can maybe do that. ^^

I’ll definitely be on again tomorrow, though! :D

Night guys! ^.^