So it was definitely messy out yesterday. quq

Yeaaaah, the driveway was pretty much pure ice today. ;o; Our garbage box was completely frozen shut too, Dad had to smash the ice with a hammer so we could get into it. There was a lot of ice on my car’s windshield too. quq

Hopefully the ice on the driveway doesn’t stick around for too long! ;o; 

I had a dentist appointment today, and they actually got me in 20 minutes early which was really nice! :o 

After that I went to Mum’s for her birthday, Grammy came over too and we had supper and cake! ^^ Melissa made the cake, it was a gluten free chocolate cake and it turned out really good! ovo

Today was Thomas’s birthday too, he turned 22 today so I got to make a Taylor Swift 22 joke that I’ve been sitting on for the last five and a half years. xD If it weren’t for the gigantic buildup I probably wouldn’t have thought twice about it, but that and the fact that I sent the text at midnight on the dot and had Thomas send back a video of him playing the chorus of the song as it hit midnight made it really funny, ahaha! 

Anyway, it’s getting late and I’m really starting to fall asleep now so I think I’m gonna get off for tonight and go to bed now. quq

I’ll be back on again tomorrow for sure, though! ovo

Night guys! :D