I’ve got pretty much everything ready to go to Thomas’s tomorrow! :D

Yeah! :D Anything that’s left is pretty much stuff that has to be packed tomorrow, like my toothbrush and stuff. :o But I’ve got the bulk of it sorted out, so that’s really good! ^^

I’ll be there from tomorrow night until Monday evening (or Tuesday if I’m too tired to drive home Monday!), I’m really looking forward to it! :D 

So that’s kinda been the most exciting part of my day, just finishing up what I can of the preparation for leaving tomorrow. :o Besides that I just worked all day! 

I didn’t end up starting any base entries last night in the end because it was waay too late and I was way too tired by the time I got the larp character form completed. ;o; So I think I’m gonna do those now while I do have time! That way I don’t have to take as much time to write on the days I’m in the woods. ^^ 

Anyway, I think I’m gonna go do that now! uvu So I think I’m gonna stop writing here for tonight, but I’ll be back on again tomorrow for sure! :D

Good night guys! ^.^