I started a new anime today. :3

Yeah! :D It's called Erased, it's really cool so far! :o I'm already five episodes in, and there's twelve in the whole thing. uvu I'm probably gonna have it finished within the next couple days by the looks of things aha. xD 

I'm really loving it so far! :D It's got a mystery sorta element to it, and the further you get into watching it the more you start to piece little things together, and things that seemed insignificant before start to make sense and seem more important! owo 

Anyway, I wish I could write more here tonight, but it's already after nine PM, and I'm reeeeally tired today, so I think I'm gonna go to bed for tonight soon. 030

I'll be on again tomorrow for sure! :D I'll try to get more written here then. uvu

Night guys! X3