Entries from 2023-02-01 to 1 month

It took me forever to fall asleep last night and I don’t know why. qoq

Yeaaah, I didn't fall asleep until after 2am in the end, which suuucks. ;o; I'm really hoping I'll have an easier time sleeping tonight. quq Today was a busier day than I expected, I spent most of it in town running errands, and then I did…

My hands are getting so dry with the cold. ;o;

Yeaah, using hand sanitizer during work and stuff isn't helping for sure either, but I'd much rather be using it than not. quq Today was kind of a long day, I ended up working about an hour longer than I anticipated since the schedule had …

It got SUPER cold and raw out today. quq

Yeaah, it wasn't too bad when I first went to work, but it got waay colder and it was so raw out by the time I got back to my car to leave after my shift. ;o; Anyway, I think I'm gonna keep this short for tonight, I'm falling asleep pretty…

Today went by SO quickly and I barely got anything done! quq

Yeaaah, I intended to get some stuff done but things came up and I totally lost track of time. ;o; I didn't really do much of anything today, but hopefully I'll get more done over the next couple of days instead! ;v; I work tomorrow and Su…

Today went by really quickly but still felt kinda long. quq

Yeaah, I didn't get as much done today as I hoped to, it was kind of a weird day! quq It felt kinda long but it really disappeared on me too. ;o; Hopefully I'll be able to get more done tomorrow! Anyway, it's super late now, so I think I'm…

I guess I have a meeting at 3:30 tomorrow! :o

Yeah, it's kind of a weird time for a meeting compared to when we usually do them, it was originally scheduled for the morning but it got changed. quq Today was a pretty mundane day, it wasn't really a particularly notable day, honestly! ;…

It looks like I have a weekend off coming up! :o

Yeah! :o I work both days this weekend, but the weekend after that looks like I have it off, at least as things stand right now! Today wasn't particularly exciting besides that, honestly! ;v; It felt a bit long, hopefully tomorrow won't fe…

It doesn’t feel like I should be back to working tomorrow! quq

Yeaah, it feels like I should still have another day before then, honestly! ;v; This weekend went by pretty quickly, I didn't get as many things done as I hoped but I still got some stuff done at least! :o Today was a super grey and rainy …

We had pizza for Mum’s birthday dinner today! :D

Yeah! :D So that was good, it was good to see everyone there again. :o So that was most of my afternoon! Besides that I did some laundry, and played Mario Kart with Dad and Mel this morning, aaaand that was pretty much it! We watched some …

We got a surprising amount of snow last night! :o

Yeah! :o We ended up getting a few inches in the end, but it was forecast to just be a little bit, or maybe just flurries? quq The snowplow didn't go by before I had to go to work this morning either, so Dad ended up driving me there and b…

The freezing rain ended up starting way later than expected! :o

Yeah! :o I was able to go to town and get some stuff done after all, so that was good! :D It was actually pretty sunny out when I first woke up, but it was starting to get grey when I got home around lunchtime. The freezing rain didn't sta…

It sounds like we’re supposed to get a bunch of freezing rain tomorrow! ;o;

Yeaaah, I was gonna go to town tomorrow morning to take care of some stuff, but I'll have to see what the weather is like and what the forecast looks like then too. quq I'll be in town on Saturday for work, and I'll be going to Mum's on Su…

Today was a really unexciting work day. quq

Yeaaah, there isn't really much about today that's worth noting, honestly! ;o; Pretty much all I did was work, I watched a little tv with Dad before he went to bed, and I repaired a hole in one of my plushies, but that was about it. Anyway…

I crashed super hard really early today. quq

Yeaah, I've been pretty tired since this evening! ;o; I'm not really sure why, I was asleep a bit early last night, and all I did was work today. Hopefully I'll have more energy tonorrow! quq We got a ton of snow here last night, I think w…

Today was another busy errand and chore day! ;v;

Yeaah, I did get to see Grammy for a bit though, which was nice! :D I brought her some waffles since I found them for a really good deal in town, and I know she likes them! I had lunch there today too, which was nice! ^^ Other than that I …

Town errands ended up being most of my day again! quq

Yeaah, I was hoping it'd just be my morning, but it ended up being most of my day in the end! ;o; I got some stuff I needed though, so that was good, and it'll save me the time tomorrow when I have to go back in to pick up a couple of thin…

We had pizza at work today! :D

Yeah! :D They had a really quiet morning there before I got there, so one of my coworkers ordered pizza and garlic fingers for everyone working to share, which was super nice! :o I also found out that I don't work tomorrow, so I'll have mo…

I’m still not sure if I work Sunday yet! quq

Yeah, I'll find out tomorrow though, since they'll need to have at least two of us scheduled to come in Sunday! ;v; Today wasn't particularly exciting, I got some stuff on my todo list done, and I played Mario Kart with Dad for a little bi…

I started playing Pokemon Go for the first time in a long time tonight! :o

Yeah! :o I haven't played in almost two years it turns out, which is really crazy to think about. I used to play constantly in college, campus was a really nice spot for playing and there was a bunch of other people that played too! :o Any…

My Corrin Amiibo and Engage buttons arrived today! :D

Yeah! :D So that was definitely today's highlight! :o They all look super good, I'm happy to have finally gotten my hands on the player 2 Corrin too, I've wanted her for a few years now! ;v; There was a Nintendo Direct tonight too, and the…

Last night was a late night but I wasn’t as tired as I thought I’d be today! :o

Yeah! :o I intended to sleep earlier last night, but that didn't happen. quq It was probably closer to 1am before I fell asleep, I expected to be super tired today, but thankfully I wasn't! ;o; Today wasn't a very exciting or noteworthy da…

I’m slowly working through my todo list! :o

Yeah, having more time to do that stuff is definitely making a difference, I still have stuff to do but I've definitely make progress on things I haven't had the chance to do in a while! :o Tomorrow will be a work day, I have a meeting in …

I got to play Fire Emblem Engage for a while today! :D

Yeah! :D I played about two or two and a half hours over the course of the day I think! I'm hoping to play tomorrow too, once I get through the things on my todo list for the day. :o Today was a LOT warmer than yesterday, it was 1°C this e…

It was REALLY nasty out on the drive home from work today. qoq

Yeaaah, thankfully Dad drove me to and from work today, it wouldn't have been a good drive in my car at all. qoq It was suuuuper cold out today, and it was snowing, plus we had a bunch of wind too. There was a few times during the drive ho…

It’s SO cold out tonight. qoq

Yeaaah, it's like -22°C with a windchill of -36°C, it's nuts. ;v; We're supposed to get a bunch of snow and wind too, it's gonna be interesting to see how things look in the morning. I'm scheduled to work tomorrow, but it's gonna depend on…

It felt like a Friday all day today since I don’t work tomorrow! :o

Yeaah, I kept thinking that tomorrow is Saturday and that I'll be working in town, but it's just Thursday being my last work day of the week for my animation job throwing me off, haha! Today wasn't particularly exciting, tomorrow I'm hopin…

My copy of Fire Emblem Engage arrived today! :D

Yeah! :D I won't get to play until Friday, but I'm glad to have it in my hands now at least! I'm looking forward to starting it, I'm glad I'm getting it at a time where I shooould hopefully have some free time available to play! :o In othe…

It’s supposed to be SUPER cold out later this week. quq

Yeaaah, I've been finding it a bit colder than usual already tonight too, but it's supposed to be something like -11°C here on Friday night! ;o; Today wasn't particularly exciting, it was just another work day! ;v; I have a meeting tomorro…