Entries from 2024-06-01 to 1 month

Today was way more productive than I expected! :o

Yeah, I got my blankets washed and my bed remade, cleaned up a bunch of stuff on and around my desk, put away some laundry, had my car inspected and picked up supper for Dad and I! :o So that was all good to get done, the day went by prett…

It was SUPER hot out again today. ;o;

Yeah, yesterday and today were both suuuper hot, I'm really thankful for air conditioning! ;o; My car was saying it was 33°C when I was going to work today, the air conditioning was having a hard time keeping up. Anyway, it's really late a…

My drive home felt so long and I’m SO TIRED. quq

Yeaah, I spent most of my day in the car today between going to stores looking for stuff and driving home. ;o; So the drive home felt super long, I got home around 7:30 and ate supper around 8, I didn't want to stop anywhere and prolong th…

I went to a bunch more stores today! :o

Yeah, I didn't find everything I was looking for, so I'll have to go to some other places tomorrow, but I did find some stuff at least! ^^ I'm not sure what exactly my plan is tomorrow as far as when I'm going home goes, I'll have to see h…

I got to spend a lot of the day with Allie today! :D

Yeah! :D So that was really nice! We went to a bunch of stores before and after his appointment, I didn't get much today but I'll be going more places tomorrow and hopefully I'll find some stuff I need then! :o It's gonna be an early day t…

I’ll be hanging out with Allie for the first time in ages tomorrow! :D

Yeah, it turns out it's been almost three years since we last saw each other in person? Which is pretty nuts. quq It doesn't feel like it's been that long, it'll be nice to get to spend some time hanging out again! :D I'll be getting up re…

Today was super busy at work with Father’s Day tomorrow! :o

Yeah, I forgot it was this weekend, I was thinking it was next weekend! :o It was kinda wild to walk into work seeing it as busy as it was when I wasn't expecting that, haha. I didn't really do anything besides work today! ;v; I'm working …

It’s felt weird not to work an evening shift this week! :o

Yeah! :o I've been working the evening Thursday or Friday shift so often for so long that it's been funny not to work it, haha. I'm working 11-4 tomorrow, which is also an unusual one for me, normally I either close or open on Saturdays! T…

I think I’m gonna get some groceries in the morning tomorrow! :o

Yeah, I thought about doing it today, but I didn't end up going anywhere today! ;v; Today wasn't really particularly exciting, I did some laundry and worked on organizing some new thread I got for making bracelets. and I think that was pre…

It was way easier to get up this morning than I expected! :o

Yeah, I figured I'd be way more tired and that waking up would feel slower, but it wasn't bad at all! :o It being light out when I'm waking up makes suuuch a difference, it's so much easier to get up when it's light out. quq I didn't do mu…

I’m working my first opening shift in a while tomorrow! :o

Yeah, I haven't worked an opening shift in like two months it turns out! :o Other than Sundays, anyway, since Sunday is normally a day you open and close in a shift. So I'll be getting up super early tomorrow, but it'll be nice to have the…

I ended up seeing Gabby spur of the moment today! ;v;

Yeah, today was kind of a funky day, but I got to see Gabby when I wasn't expecting to, so that was nice! ;v; Anyway, I think I'm just gonna keep this short for tonight so I can go to bed, it's getting late and I'm really tired anyway. quq…

My package from Soup is almost here! :D

Yeah! :D I can't remember if I've mentioned that here yet or not, but Soup and I are doing a little package exchange! :o The main goal was exchanging for some Littlest Pet Shops since we both found a set the other couldn't find, but we put…

I finished everything I needed to do this morning! :D

Yeah, so I had the afternoon to do whatever else, so that was nice! ^^ I played more Cattails Wildwood, and I played Mario Kart with Dad too! I'm working tomorrow, so I'm probably not going to be doing much else besides that, but we'll see…

I got a bunch of stuff done today but not everything! ;v;

Yeah, I didn't quite get through everything I had planned, so I'll have to finish some of it tomorrow! ;v; I think I got through most of it though, so that's good at least. Tomorrow is Logan's birthday, so it's nice that I'm not scheduled …

I think tomorrow’s gonna be busy with errands! :o

Yeah, I have a lot I need to do, but hopefully I'll be able to get through it all and still have some free time left tomorrow! ;v; I didn't do much worth noting today other than work, honestly! :o It's suuuper late now, so I think I'm gonn…

I picked up a couple things and saw Mum for a bit today! :o

Yeah! :o I ended up having lunch there actually, since David was making lunch when I was there, so that was nice! I ran a couple of errands in town and picked up a couple of things, so that was good to get done. After I got home I mostly j…

I got to see Papa for a minute today! :D

Yeah! :D It was a pretty quick visit, but I was glad to get to see him. ^^ I picked up a couple other things in town today too, so that was good to get done! :o I still have some stuff to do tomorrow, but hopefully it won't take too long. …

I’m hoping to get more done tomorrow than I did today! quq

Yeah, today wasn't really very productive. ;o; I've got some errands to run in town tomorrow morning though, so that'll be good to get done! I played a bit more Cattails Wildwood this morning, so that was nice! :D I'm hoping to get to play…

I played a little Cattails Wildwood Story tonight! :o

Yeah, I got it a couple of days ago, I'm not very far into it or anything yet but I'm enjoying it so far! :D I didn't really do much besides work today! ;v; I played Cattails for about an hour tonight and other than that I really didn't do…

Today was just kind of a quiet work day! ;v;

Yeah, I didn't really do much else today, honestly! quq I worked, stopped at the grocery store for a minute, made macaroni and cheese to have with supper, and that was pretty much it. ;v; Pretty much just a mundane day! Anyway, I think I'm…

There’s a risk of frost tonight which feels crazy for June. quq

Yeah, it might be getting down to 5°C tonight which I'm really surprised by! ;o; I haven't had to dig out my shorts yet, we've had a few really warm days here and there, but nothing consistent enough to swap out my warmer clothes for some …