I just finished watching Interstellar! :o

Yeah! :D Dad started watching it with Melissa and I last night, and we finished it tonight! :3

I liked it a lot, it was all reeeally cool, and really interesting to watch! :o

On another note, I made pancakes this morning! xD By myself and everything, I'm kinda really proud of myself, ahaha. ewe They came out pretty good, too! ^.^ 

It took me an hour to make them though, and by the time Melissa and I had finished cleaning the pan and the bowl and stuff, and finished eating too, it was like twenty after eleven, aha. xD

Anyway, I wish I could write more here tonight, but it's already after ten fifteen, and I have to work tomorrow, so I should go to bed. ;o; 

I'll be on again tomorrow for sure, though, and I'll try to get more written here then! :D

Good night guys! owo