I have been coughing aLL DAY, and I’m not even sure I have a cold anymore. quq

Yeeeaaah. qoq It’s been just in my throat, and it doesn’t really feel like the typical cold coughing, either. It feels kinda like I’m congested, but without the congestion, if that makes any sense? :o 

Mum said it could just be allergies, like not even necessarily to anything in particular, just kinda environmental allergies I guess?

I’m reeeally hoping it goes away soon though, whether it’s a cold or allergies or whatever, because it’s kinda really annoying, aha. xD

In other news, there was this multicultural “festival” type thing during lunch at school today, and there was a whole bunch of different foods and stuff, which was really cool! :o I forgot my money at home though, so I had to borrow $2 from Ashley, who’s in my yoga class, but the food I got was really good! :D I had this stew from Denmark, and then I had a Belgian waffle, which I’ve had before but waffles are good, and I didn’t know what else to try. xD

Anyway, I think I’m gonna stop writing for tonight, since I think I’m gonna go hang out at Thomas’s stream for a while! :o He’s doing a voice chat thing this time too, so I think I’m gonna do that too unless my coughing gets worse. ^^ 

I’ll be back on again tomorrow for sure, though! :D

Night guys! X3