I reeeally don't want to go back to school in two days. ;u;

Two days not including the half hour left of today, anyway, aha. ;u; 

I haven't really accomplished anything so far this week in terms of school stuff, but I'm definitely gonna have to at least start something tomorrow, ehhhh. D: I wish I could just snap my fingers and be done everything, but that's not really gonna happen. xD

Anyway, I wish I could write more here tonight, but it's really late, and I'm still trying to get rid of this cold, so I'm gonna go to bed for tonight I think. ^^; 

I'll definitely be on again tomorrow, though! :D I'll try to write from my laptop tomorrow so I can actually tell you guys about last weekend, too, aha. xD

Night guys! uvu

Today was a very nonproductive day, but I did finally try out my copic markers. 030

Yeah. .3. I was sick this morning out of nowhere, even though I've felt fine all day, except for a few minutes of "bleh" and the cold I've got? D: So that was something, and honestly I felt more inconvenienced by it than anything, aha. xD

I drew one of my newest characters today, and I used three of my four copic markers to color it, and I used this other faber-castell one I've got for the lines on it, too! :D They were all really nice to work with~ ewe I'll try to post what I drew here tomorrow if I get the drawing scanned then! :o

I'm deeefinitely gonna have to work on stuff for film and video tomorrow though, I was going to start on it today but I ended up just laying down instead, in case this morning turned out to be more than just something that happened, ehhh. :/ 

Anyway, I'm not on my laptop tonight either, and I'm tired and don't really want to stay up toooo late so I can try to get over this cold, so I think I'm gonna go to bed for tonight. ;o; 

I'll be on again tomorrow for sure, though! ;u; I'll try to get more written here then if I can.

Night guys! ^^

There's a raccoon in the yard at Mum's now. o.o

Yeah. :o It was trying to get into one of our garbage cans, and it's supposed to be "animal proof", and I mean teeechnically it is? xD The raccoon didn't actually get the lid off by the looks of it, but it knocked the one bag in it out. .3. I'm just hoping it's not gonna come back to tear the bag apart, because that's definitely gonna be a mess nobody needs, ehhhh. xD

Anyway, I wish I could write more here tonight, but it's late, and I'm tired, so I have to go to bed for tonight. D: 

I'll try to tell you guys about how camp went tomorrow if I can! ;u; I'll be on again then for sure! ^^

Good night guys! :o

I definitely do have a cold, and I'm maybe overtired too, ehhh. xD

.... Yeahhhh. x'D 

I've been coughing and sneezing all day, which has kinda sucked. ;u; And I'm still really tired, but maybe overtired? xD Because I've felt kinda weird all day. 030 

I didn't really accomplish much today except for doing a load of laundry, but I haven't even put that away yet, whoops. ;u;' I'm gonna put it away before I go to bed though, so that's gotta count for something! ^.^

Anyway, I'd write more here tonight, but it's already almost eight thirty, and I'm writing from my ipad tonight, so I don't really have a lot of room to write about my weekend, ehh. D: 

I'll be on again tomorrow for sure, though, and I'll try to write more here then! ^^

Night guys! :D