I can't believe it's already Easter! :o

Yeah! :o Even though Easter's pretty late this year, aha. xD
I have to help out at the church service in town tonight, since Jade's sick, and she was supposed to help along with my sister. .3. It's gonna be kind of an adventure, just because of how long the service is gonna be, but ah well. xD
I went bowling with Dad and Melissa today, too! :D I beat Dad and Melissa by a lot in the last game we played, Dad would've had to have scored thirty points in one go at the end to beat me. x'D
I colored in an icon base by captyns on dA to fit my character Matthew, and his twin (who I finally named after a super long time, hAH) Louie tonight! :D


I don't have anyone I could use it with, but I like it anyway, aha. xD 

I'm gonna have to leave for church soon, and I'm probably not gonna get home until after eleven tonight, so I figured I should probably write tonight's entry now. 030 I'm hoping it's not gonna be too close to midnight before I get home, but whether that happens or not is kind of a total mystery to me right now, oops. x'D Oh well!
Anyway, I'd write more here tonight, but I'm kinda just not sure what else to talk about right now, since I didn't do much today except go bowling with Dad and Melissa, and go to the last bit of the practice thing for church tonight, and now all I'm gonna be doing with my night is going to that church service, aha. owo

I think I'm gonna get off for tonight, so I can finish eating supper, since I maaaaybe didn't finish yet, but I'll be on again tomorrow for sure! :D
Good night guys! X3

I fixed the holes in my sweater today! ^^

Yeah! :3 I definitely didn't do it perfectly, but it works, so that's something at least! :D 

I'm probably gonna have to put some more stitches on one of the cuffs in the future, since I only put stitches along the seam of one, but I'll be good until the other one wears down. uvu Stitching up the edges of the cuffs was way easier than I thought it was gonna be, too, so that was cool! :o 

Melissa and I dyed eggs tonight too, since this weekend's Easter, so that was fun! :D I'm gonna put these shrinkwrap things on a couple of mine tomorrow, I think, since the yellow and orange dyes kinda didn't really do much, eeeh. xD Ah well though! owo I had fun doing it anyway~

Anyway, I'd write more here tonight, but it's kinda late, so I think I'm gonna go to bed for tonight. ^^; 

I'll be on again tomorrow for sure, though! -w- I'll try to get more written here then! ewe

Night guys! :D


YEAH. D: It's got a hole already in the seam of the side of one cuff, and one starting on the seam of the side of the other, and there's a little hole where one of the pockets is sewn to the rest of the sweater, and now there's a little hole in the edge of one of the cuffs. ;o; I'm gonna try to fix it all sometime soon I think, maybe this weekend if I have the chance, since I'm not willing to let this sweater go yet or let this happen right now, aha. xD 

Anyway, I wish I could write more here tonight, but it's kinda already after eleven PM, and I'm tired, so I think I'm gonna go to bed for tonight. .3.

I'll be on again tomorrow for sure, though! X3 I'll try to get more written here then! :D 

Good night guys! ewe


YEAH! :D I mean, I'd rather be cold than hot, since being too hot makes me anxious and I can't sleep if it's too hot either, but at the same time I'm glad I don't have to wear my winter jacket or boots for now. xD

It's been staying light outside until like eight, too, which is also really cool! :o I like that about spring and summer a lot~ ewe

Anyway, I wish I could write more here tonight, but it's kinda late, and I only have 8% battery left on my ipad tonight, so I have to get off for today, ehhh. D:

I'll be on again tomorrow for sure, though! ;u; I'll try to get more written here then! owo

Night guys! ewe