My leg hurts, I have a headache, and it's been raining again. ;-;

Yeah. ;-; It's been kind of an adventure of a day. But it hasn't been all bad or anything, so that's good at least. 030

I'm not even really totally sure why my leg is sore, honestly, but it's been kinda sore off and on all day, ehhh. D:

I dunno how long it's supposed to rain this time, but hopefully not as long as last time, aha. ;u; 

Anyway, I wish I could write more here tonight, but I kinda just wanna go to bed I think. :/ I've had a bit of a headache for a little while now, but now it's worse, and just uuugggh. ;o; 

I'll try to get more written here tomorrow, though! ;u; I'll be on again then for sure~

Night guys! uvu

I got my portfolio done, but I'm reeeeally tired, ehhh. ;u;'

Yeah... xD It's kinda been a really busy day, since it's Mother's Day and stuff, and I was in town getting flowers for my grandmother, and then we were at her place for a while, and then we went out to eat, and then Mum drove Rob home, and Melissa and I went with her. x'D

I'm glad I got my portfolio done at least, though! ^.^ I don't think I'm gonna get anything else done tonight, but I did get that done today which is good~ :3

I think I might just play Fire Emblem or watch youtube or something until I go to bed at this point, I don't have a whole lot of energy for much else, whooops. xD

Anyway, I think I'm gonna get off for tonight so I can just play Fire Emblem or watch youtube now, but I'll be on again tomorrow for sure! :o I'll try to get more written here then. -w-

Night guys! owo

I got a bunch of my portfolio done today! :o

Yeah! :o Or at least most of the images and stuff for sure, I still have to write some explanations and stuff, and I still have some more pictures to put in it too, but I might take a couple things out to make it shorter anyway. xD I'm pretty sure I have waaay more in it than there needs to be anyway, so if I take stuff out it'll mean less writing and it shouldn't affect my grade or anything! ^.^

I spent most of my day working on the portfolio, though, so I didn't really do much else, whoops. 030 I was in town for a while earlier too, but that was basically just to pick up a couple things and go to church since Mum, Melissa and I all had to help out in some way with that.

Anyway, I'd write more here tonight, but it's getting kinda late, and I'm tired, so I think I'm gonna get off for tonight. ;u;' 

I'll try to get more written here tomorrow, though! :D I'll be on again then for sure! ^-^ 

Night guys! X3


YEAH! :'D It was also suuuuper bright out this afternoon, which kinda sucked because it meant having to squint at everything since I was sitting outside waiting for my bus after school today, but eeehh, ah well. xD It was definitely worth it after it being so gross out all week. ^^

I'm pretty sure I kinda just crashed somewhere around noon today though, and I'm just sorta drained now, but it's not like a sleepy tired, it's just like a no energy tired. D: So I'm probably just gonna lay here for a little bit and watch youtube or something, I don't really expect to be awake too late though, since I'm probably gonna end up sleepy tired sometime soon anyway, aha. xD

Anyway, I'd write more here tonight, but I still need to get my blankets and stuff sorted out so I can lay down and not have to get up again before I go to sleep, so I think I'm gonna do that now. uvu

So I'm gonna stop writing here for tonight I think, but I'll be on again tomorrow for sure, and I'll try to get more written here then if I can! :D

Good night guys! ^.^