My arm has been sore since yesterday and I don't know whyyyyyyy. D:

Yeahhhhhh. ;o; It's sore when I move it or pick up things a certain way, it's really weird and I'm not totally sure what I did to it to make it sore? ;u;' I'm hoping it's not gonna be sore tomorrow though, that'd be nice, aha. 

The deadline for my assignments in film and video got extended aGAIN, because people were asking for an extension and some people are failing the class because of assignments they don't have done, so I could try to get some more stuff done for Thursday, but honestly I'm not sure I'm gonna get anything else done, because I just wanna get stuff ready for my exam since I can get most of it together before I even get to do it. .3. 

I'm not sure if I'll get anything else done for film and video or not, though, but I guess we'll see? xD

Anyway, I wish I could write more here tonight and talk about my weekend too, but it's already almost nine PM and I'm not totally sure how much sense I'm making anymore tonight since I'm tired, so I think I'm gonna get off for tonight. ^^;

I'll be on again tomorrow for sure, though. and I'll try to get more written here then! uvu

Night guys! :o 

This week is my last full week of school before final exams! :D

Yeah! ewe I'm so excited for school to be done for the summer aha, it's gonna be so nice to not have to worry about assignments or projects or anything for a while. xD

I'm still really tired from yesterday, honestly. .3. I didn't sleep that well last night, it took me forever to actually get to sleep and then I woke up I think twice between finally getting to sleep and when I had to get up? D: So that kinda sucked, I think it might just have been because of the heat and the fact that I only had one blanket on, which isn't something I usually do, so I'm used to the weight of more than just the one blanket on me when I sleep? 030 If that makes any sense at all. xD

I'm not sure though, but either way that happened, and I kinda just wanna go to bed so I can try to catch up on the sleep I missed last night. ;u;' So I think I might just do that, it's almost nine thirty PM anyway, so I have to get off for tonight too. qoq

I'll try to talk a little here about yesterday tomorrow, though! :o I'll be on again then for sure. 

Good night guys! uvu

I'm probably overtired at this point, whoops. ;u;'

Yeah... 030 

I was hanging out with Thomas and some of his friends, and also Emma who I sorta know too, for a while tonight, so that was a lot of fun! :D 

I'm reeeally tired now though. .3. 

I'd tell you guys about my day now, but it's late and I kinda just really wanna go to bed, so I think I'm gonna get off for tonight and just sleep. ;u;'

I'll try to get more written here tomorrow, though! qoq I'll be on again then for sure! 

Night guys! ;u;

I bought Rise Against's new album today! :D

Yeah! :D Well, the CD, anyway, aha. xD I had the digital version preordered on iTunes, but I was at walmart today and they had it on CD, so I bought that too! ^.^ 

Today was kinda really busy, I ended up in town for a lot of today with Mum and Melissa, but that's okay! owo I got to see Leland while I was at walmart, and I had A&W for lunch, so I mean that was really nice! :3 

I'm not 100% sure what I'll be doing tomorrow! :o Thomas might be coming down here, so that'll be really cool if that happens, but otherwise I don't really have any plans to do anything. xD

Anyway, I'd write more here tonight, but it's late, and I'm tired, so I think I'm just gonna go to bed for tonight! .3.

I'll try to get more written here tomorrow, though! uvu I'll be on again then for sure~

Good night guys! owo