I kind of just want to fast forward through this week. ;-;

Yeeaaahh. ;u;' I have another dentist appointment tomorrow, because I have a cavity and that's gotta be filled, so I'm kind of really dreading that. D: Aaand then I have the two closing shifts at work on Thursday and Saturday too. I'm not really looking forward to them at all either, ehhhhh. ;o;

I was hoping to be able to go to the city where Thomas lives on Wednesday too, but that's not gonna happen, at least not this week? .3. Mum said next Wednesday, which is something, but I'm definitely still disappointed it's not gonna be this week. ;u; 

I'm not trying to just write off this whole week as a bad week before Monday's even really over, but I kinda just don't really have high hopes for a lot of this week. ;u;' I'm hoping it's gonna go better than I'm expecting, though. 

Anyway, I wish I could write more here tonight, but it's already almost quarter after nine, so I have to get off for tonight. D: 

I'll try to get more written here tomorrow, though! qoq I'll be on again then for sure. 

Night guys! ;o;



I love this game so much, holy crap. xD It's definitely one of my favorite games! :3

I think I might try to put together a simple cosplay for the lamplighter, too, maybe! :o I think he was my favorite character. ^.^ 

I teared up so much at the end of Solstice, eeeehhhh. xD Usually I don't even come close to crying at games or books or movies or anything, but I came really close at this. ;u; Fire Emblem Birthright kind of did the same to me, but OneShot just tooore me apart, especially Solstice. xD

THE SOUNDTRACK IS SO NICE, TOO! :'D I love it so much, I'm really glad I bought it with the game. ewe

Anyway, I'd write more here tonight, but I didn't really do a whole lot today besides play OneShot, so I honestly don't really have a lot to say tonight! 030 I thought about walking to town or something, but it poooured off and on all day, so that didn't happen. ;u; I'm about to get ready for bed too, since it's already ten PM, so I think I'm just gonna get off for today so I can do that. :o 

I'll be on again tomorrow for sure, though, and I'll try to write more here then! :D 

Bye guys! owo

I played OneShot for most of my day today! xD

Yeah! xD I finished my first playthrough of it, and now I'm working on bonus stuff and collecting some achievements I missed. :o I'm hopefully gonna play more tomorrow, too! :3 I would've played more today, but I had to stop because I had to go to church with Mum and Melissa. .3. 

I didn't really do anything else today, honestly! :o But that's okay, it was nice to have a kinda break from stuff, and playing OneShot helped take my mind off of everything I've been thinking about and probably overthinking and everything too. ^^

Anyway, I'd write more here tonight, but I'm kind of just out of ideas on what to write for tonight, honestly! 030 I'm still pretty tired, and it's starting to get kinda late anyway, so I think I'm just gonna stop writing here for tonight and either go to sleep or maybe watch a couple videos before I go to bed for tonight. .3.

Buuut I'll be on again tomorrow! So I'll try to get more written here then. ^^

Good night guys! :D

Both of my two shifts at work next week are closing shifts. ;-;

... Yeah. ;-; I'm more than a little dead inside over it. My shift yesterday was a closing shift, and it took Eve and I an hour to finish and clean everything we had to do after the restaraunt was closed, which sucked. qoq

I work Thursday and Saturday night, and I'm definitely working Saturday alone, and if I had to guess I'll be mostly alone on Thursday night too because the person I'll be working with is working in the kitchen at the same time too. .-. Assuming both shifts go the same as last night did, I'll probably be there a while finishing everything, maybe longer than last night too since I'll be doing Saturday alone and I might be doing it mostly alone on Thursday too. 

Anyway, I'm tired, and I'm not really fantastic at words right now I don't think, so I think I'm just gonna go to bed for tonight. D: It's almost ten thirty anyway. ;u; 

I'll be on again tomorrow for sure, though! ;o; I'll try to get more written here then if I can. 

Good night guys! ;u;