We brought Stella and Solar home today! :D

Yeah! ^.^ They seem pretty attached to us already, aha, they keep meowing at Melissa's and my doors. xD
They've been really hard to take pictures of so far, too, since they've been moving around so much! :o But I did get a few nice ones, I'll try to post them here soon when I get a chance. :3
I still really miss Willow, but these guys will definitely help distract from the pain of losing her and fill the absense, so that's good. ;u;
Anyway, I wish I could write more here tonight, but it's late, and I have to work again tomorrow, so I think I'm gonna get off for tonight. D:
I'll be on again tomorrow for sure, though! ;u; I'll try to get more written here then if I can, but I'm working the closing shift tomorrow night so I'm not sure how much energy I'll have to talk a lot, oops. .3.
Good night guys! qoq

We're adopting two three and a half month old rescue kittens tomorrow night! :o

Yeah! :o Unless they don't like us for some reason, anyway, but the people fostering them said they're really friendly and affectionate, so I'll be surprised if they don't like us, aha. xD
Their names are Stella and Solar, they're sisters! uvu I'll try to post pictures here when I have a chance to take some. ^^
It's still really weird without Willow here, though. ;o; It doesn't feel real yet. I miss her a lot. ;u;
Stella and Solar will help, though, so that's good. They'll help distract us and fill the empty feeling in the house I think! Hopefully they do, anyway, aha.
Today was a weird day, I'm not really sure how to feel about it, honestly. .3. Work was really quiet, surprisingly, so that's good, but my legs and feet are pretty sore, ehhh. D:
I sent the rest of the money for the plushies of Alexander and King today, too, so they'll be shipped soon! I'm not really sure when they'll get here yet or anything, but hopefully it doesn't take too long. :o
Anyway, I'd write more here tonight, but it's getting late, and I have to work tomorrow morning, and I'll have to go with Mum to her work in order for her to be able to drive me to my work, so I'll be getting up kinda early. ;u; Sooo, I think I'm gonna go to bed for tonight!
I'll be on again tomorrow for sure, though, and I'll try to get more written here then. ;o;
Good night guys! :o

I'm really not looking forward to work tomorrow. ;o;

Yeaahh. .-. I work the closing shift tomorrow, and then I work on Friday from ten until two, and then another closing shift on Saturday, and just eehhh. They were already gonna be exhausting, especially since I've never done three shifts in a row before, but I haven't had much energy today or yesterday and I don't think the lack of energy is really gonna help me any. ;-;
It'll be good to get them over with, though, that's good at least. ;u; Tomorrow's probably gonna be busy though, since it's payday, and that's gonna suck.
Hopefully it stays relatively quiet though, that'd be nice. ;u;
Anyway, I didn't do a whole lot today, and I think I'm just gonna lay down and watch youtube videos for a while before I go to sleep. .3. So I think I'm gonna stop writing here for tonight? I don't really have a lot to say anyway, honestly. ;u;'
But I'll be on again tomorrow for sure, and I'll try to get more written here then! uvu
Good night guys! ;u;

I kind of don't really want to talk much tonight.

... Yeah. .-.
Willow passed away last night. It was really sudden and nobody expected it.
So.. yeah. She just woke Mum up at twelve thirty last night, and Mum petted her and she fell asleep and just sort of.. stopped.
Mum says it didn't take more than five minutes.
She wasn't sick or anything, so that's good, but I wish there had been some way to expect this or have some kind of warning or something. ;-;
Melissa's hamster, Milo, isn't doing well at all either, and honestly I'll be surprised if she makes it through the night, let alone tomorrow.
It's been a long day. ;o; I'm tired. It's a lot to process all at once, and it mostly just doesn't feel real, honestly.
We're all just kind of not really okay right now. ;=;
I didn't even brush my teeth today, I meant to but I kept forgetting, and when I did remember I didn't have the energy, so I just sort of didn't. .-.
I think I'm just going to go to bed now, or at least just lay down or something. ;-; It hasn't really been a good day.
But I'll be on again tomorrow for sure. Hopefully tomorrow is a little better, but I'm not really sure because of how Milo's doing. ;o;
Night guys.