We might be going to the beach this week! :D

Yeah! ^^ If it's nice out on a day Mum's off, anyway. :o
So that'll be nice if it does happen! owo We haven't been to the beach yet this summer, we kind of just haven't had the chance, either that or the weather's been bad when we have had the chance. xD
School starts again in a little over a week too, and just eeehhh, I'm really not looking forward to it. D:
Hopefully this year is better than last year was, though. ;u;
Anyway, I wish I could write more here tonight, but it's already ten thirty, and I'm tired and I still need to get ready for bed, so I think I'm gonna get off for tonight. qoq
I'll be on again tomorrow for sure, though, and I'll try to get more written here then! uvu
Night guys! ^-^

Milo's not doing well at all now. ;-;

Yeah.. ;-; She wasn't alert at all for a bit this evening, and now her breathing is getting worse and just ahh. ;o; I feel bad for her, she's been hanging on for almost a week now and she's been feeling better and worse and better and worse, poor baby. ;u;
I found out this evening that I work tomorrow night! .3. Sooo that's kinda frustrating, just because I didn't know until a few hours ago, but eeehhh, ah well I guess. quq
I work tomorrow and Saturday this week! uvu Both of my shifts are closing shifts, which kinda sucks, but it's something at least. :o
Anyway, I wish I could write more here tonight, but it's late, and I'm tired and I want to make sure I get a good sleep before work tomorrow, so I think I'm gonna go to bed for tonight. ;o;
I'll try to get more written here tomorrow if I can, but I'll be working until probably eight-ish and I'll probably be really tired too, so I'm not sure how much I'll get written here tomorrow in the end. ;u; Buuut I'll be on again tomorrow for sure, though!
Good night guys! ^.^

Solar curled up in my lap for almost two hours this morning. :'D

Yessss. :D I'm still really happy about it, ahaha. xD She was on and off asleep and dreaming, too, and a couple times she crawled up and laid on my shoulder for a minute! X3
Stella's less cuddly than Solar is, at least so far, and she spends more time playing. xD They were both in my lap for a minute earlier, though, until they started playing with each other and Stella got up, aha.
Work was really quiet tonight, which was nice! ^^ I came home with a cinnamon roll, a muffin, and a brownie tonight too, which was also nice. xD
Anyway, I wish I could write more here tonight, but it's late, and I'm getting up at seven tomorrow morning to help Mum and Melissa get ready for Melissa's yard sale tomorrow, so I have to go to bed for tonight. D:
I'll try to get more written here tomorrow, though! ^-^ I'll be on again then for sure. :o
Good night guys! ^^

We brought Stella and Solar home today! :D

Yeah! ^.^ They seem pretty attached to us already, aha, they keep meowing at Melissa's and my doors. xD
They've been really hard to take pictures of so far, too, since they've been moving around so much! :o But I did get a few nice ones, I'll try to post them here soon when I get a chance. :3
I still really miss Willow, but these guys will definitely help distract from the pain of losing her and fill the absense, so that's good. ;u;
Anyway, I wish I could write more here tonight, but it's late, and I have to work again tomorrow, so I think I'm gonna get off for tonight. D:
I'll be on again tomorrow for sure, though! ;u; I'll try to get more written here then if I can, but I'm working the closing shift tomorrow night so I'm not sure how much energy I'll have to talk a lot, oops. .3.
Good night guys! qoq