I have a free class before lunch tomorrow and all I'm gonna do is buy myself cookies. xD

Yep. xD At least that's the plan right now, anyway, but if it's raining I'll probably just stay at school.
I have $1.71 between two gift cards for Tim Hortons, and I have a couple of quarters in my bag too, so I'm just gonna walk up to Tim Hortons and buy myself a couple of cookies! :3
I'm really liking having the off class basically every other day, aha, and I'm really glad it's gonna be a full-year thing because it's gonna make things a lot easier if stuff gets overwhelming again. :o
I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow, so it won't be in my face anymore! x'D So that'll be good. After Melissa and I are both done with that our grandmother is gonna drive us back to Mum's to wait for Dad to get off work, so we'll be able to see Stella and Solar, so that'll be good too! ^.^
Anyway, I wish I could write more here tonight, but it's already after nine forty five, so I have to get off for tonight. quq
I'll be on again tomorrow for sure, though! :D I'll try to get more written here then.
Night guys! X3

I've had Raining and Vacation Town by The Front Bottoms stuck in my head all daaay. xD

Yesss. xD They're both really good songs though, so I have no complaints, ahaha. I had Vacation Town stuck in my head when I first woke up, and then Raining was stuck in my head for a lot of the day, and now I'm back to Vacation Town again. x'D
I worked tonight, and it was pretty quiet, so that was good! :o I was finished everything I had to do at seven thirty five, which was nice, usually I'm doing stuff until eight when I work the closing shift. ^^
And I think I'm getting up early tomorrow to go with Dad to pick up a canoe he bought, so that's gonna be an adventure, but if I wake up and really don't wanna get up I'm probably just gonna go back to sleep. xD
Anyway, I wish I could write more here tonight, but it's getting kinda late, and I'm reeeally tired and honestly don't feel very awake right now, so I think I'm gonna go to bed for tonight. qoq
But I'll try to get more written here tomorrow! uvu I'll be on again then for sure.
Good night guys! :o

All of my favorite bands have released new stuff recently or are releasing new stuff, and I'm really happy about it. xD

Yesssss. :D Rise Against and Blink-182 both released new stuff a few months ago, The Front Bottoms are releasing a new album, and Barns Courtney is releasing an album, too! X3 Barns Courtney isn't a band though, but it would've made the title really long to be specific about it, aha, so I just wasn't. xD
I have The Front Bottoms' album preordered, and I'm gonna have Barns Courtney's preordered, too! :3
I didn't really do a whole lot today besides school, and honestly my head hurts a little tonight? ;u; So I think I'm just gonna go to bed so my headache doesn't get worse or anything.
I'll be on again tomorrow, though! :o I'm working tomorrow night, so I'm not sure how much energy I'll have to write here, but I'll definitely get something written here at least. ^.^
Good night, guys! :D


I've felt super gross and sticky like all day, and just eeeeeeehhhhh. qoq I don't like this at all, why is this happening nowwww, I don't understand. ;u;
I have a free class last class tomorrow! :o So that'll be good, I'm not really sure where I'll go yet, I might just end up at the library or something since it's been rainy and wet out all day today, and I'm not sure if it's supposed to be like that tomorrow or not! If it's wet and rainy again tomorrow I'm probably not really gonna want to go anywhere, aha, so the library would probably be the best bet. xD
Hopefully it's less muggy and gross out tomorrow though, that'd be nice. quq
Anyway, I wish I could write more here tonight, but it's already after ten thirty, and I'm tired, so I think I'm gonna go to bed for tonight. ;u;'
Buuut I'll try to get more written here tomorrow! :D I'll be on again then. :3
Night guys! ^.^