I made a horrible mistake and took cold medication when I was already really tired. xD

Yeeaaaah.. x'D
Now I feel not quite real like I do when I'm sUPER tired, except it's woooorse, and just aaah. ;o; It's a weird feeling to begin with, this is sorta just a whole other level. ;v; It's nighttime cold medication, so it's supposed to make you drowsy to begin with, oops. I didn't think it'd matter since usually it doesn't make me sleepy, but here we are. .3.
Honestly, I think I'm just gonna go to bed for tonight to sleep it off. quq
I'll be on again tomorrow though! :o I'll try to write more here then.
Good night guys! ^^


YES. xD Mum’s gonna take Melissa and I to get one tomorrow afternoon just as a treat, so that’ll be really nice! :D I’m excited, ahaha. 

Alsooo, I’m going to be at camp this coming weekend, so entries miiight be a little shorter than usual? :o They’ll still definitely get written, though. ^^ I won’t necessarily just have to rely on the usually crappy wifi this year either, since I have data on my phone, so that’ll be a nice upside, aha. xD So I won’t have to write out entries in advance like I usually do when I go to March Break camp either, since I’ll have to worry less about the wifi not working! :D

I’m gonna play a bunch of Pokemon GO while I’m there too, I think, since I know from last year that there’s some stops and gyms there! uvu Maybe I’ll fill up my inventory again. xD

Anyway, I should probably go to bed, or at least get ready for bed. quq 

I’ll try to write more here tomorrow! :o I’ll definitely be on again then. 

Night guys! :D

I walked to McDonald’s to get a milkshake this morning but it turns out they don’t sell milkshakes at 10 AM. ;o;

Yeeeaahh. ;v; I mean, I ended up with a smoothie, but it was cold and windy, and I couldn’t feel my hands or my ears for the first like fifteen minutes of being back at school, so I can’t decide if it was really worth it or not. xD

In other news, The Front Bottoms are releasing an EP in May, which is really exciting! :D It’s all really old songs (to the point where I didn’t know they existed in the first place), but there’s one new song that’s gonna be on it, too. ^.^ 

And I found out Gloryhammer is gonna be playing at a festival in Montreal this summer too, and I’m saaaad because Montreal’s too far away to realistically have any chance at going no matter how I look at it. ;o; Ah well though I guess, maybe another time. ;u; 

Anyway, I’m back at Dad’s again, which means getting up early again, so I thiiink I’m gonna go get ready for bed now. :o

I’ll be on again tomorrow for sure, though! :D

Good night guys! ovo

I have an off class second period tomorrow and I’m kinda considering just buying ice cream. xD

Yeaaaah. xD I bought Dairy Queen for lunch on Friday, and I still have gift cards to use, so depending on the weather and what I end up feeling like I might just walk up and buy myself a sundae or maybe a milkshake or something. :o 

Today was pretty noneventful in all honesty, except for going through some bins of stuff in the cubbies in the living room here. 030 It was just that kinda day, I think? I just didn’t feel like doing anything, whoops. And now I’ve gotta get up a little earlier to have a shower in the morning, and I was supposed to clean the bathroom this weekend too, so I’ll have to do that on Wednesday when I’m back here at Mum’s. ;v;’ 

I’m probably just gonna go to bed for tonight now, though, since it’s almost eleven and I’d like to try to make it suck as least as possible when I wake up in the morning. x’D 

I’ll definitely be on again tomorrow, though! :D

Good night guys! ^.^