I didn’t end up drawing today, but I did go bowling! :D

Yes! ^.^ So that was fun. We ended up getting ice cream afterwards too, which was really nice! :D 

We were out on the four wheelers this morning, too, which was also nice! :o It was really sunny and warm out today, it’s probably the warmest day we’ve had in a long time. 

I guess it’s supposed to rain again tomorrow though, which suuuucks. quq I’m really hoping it just doesn’t, aha. xD 

Anyway, I’m reeally sleepy, and I’ve pretty much been ready for bed since like six this evening, so I think I’m gonna go and sleep. x’D

I’ll be back on again tomorrow for sure! :D I’ll try to talk more here then. uvu

Good night guys! :3

I sneezed like six times basically in a row this morning. xD

Yeeaaahh.. xD 

I stopped taking allergy medication for like two days because I’ve been taking it at night instead of in the morning, and apparently it works best if you take it in the morning, so I’ve been trying to switch it but I keep forgetting to take it in the morning, oops. ;v;’ And so now I know for sure that it’s allergies I have, because my sinuses have been acting up a little and my nose has been running a little, and I sneezed a bunch this morning too, ehhhh. xD 

I got to spend some time drawing today! :D Like, for myself I mean. I took a traditional sketch I’d done of Mion a little while back and I shrunk it down to a better size, and I traced it over in GIMP. It’s been so long since I drew for myself digitally, it felt nice to do that today! ^.^ I might try to draw more tomorrow if I can, too! :3

Anyway, I didn’t really do a whole lot else today besides play Devil Survivor and go driving with Dad (and then go out on the four wheelers afterwards), and it’s almost ten thirty now anyway, so I think I’m gonna stop writing here for today. :o

I’ll try to write more here tomorrow, though! :D I’ll try to post some art that I’ve done over the past little while here, too. ^.^ Either way I’ll be on again tomorrow for sure! 

Night guys! ^^

I forgot how messy paper mache is. xD

Yeahhh. xD We’re doing paper mache animals in art class, and I completely forgot juuust how messy it gets, aha. 

I’m doing a dog, which I think I’m probably gonna paint to look like Matthew! :o And I got most of the first layer of paper mache on, but then the bell rang and I had to leave, and I didn’t even have time to completely wash my hands before I went to chemistry, whoooops. ;v;’ 

SO now he’s maybe completely stuck to the paper on the table that’s there to help prevent a huge mess on the table, but it was either that or sacrifice his ears and I figure as long as I can get him off the paper on the table it’ll be fine, since I’ll have to cover it again anyway. xD

Aaaand that’s the most significant thing that happened today, honestly! :o I’ve been really sleepy again today though, which sorta sucks. quq Hopefully I feel a little more awake tomorrow, aha. 

I’m probably gonna get off for tonight I think, though! ;v; I think I’m gonna play a little Devil Survivor, probably just until I start falling asleep, which probably isn’t really all that far off, honestly. xD 

Buut I’ll be back on tomorrow for sure! :D So I’ll try to write more here then. :3

Good night guys! uvu

I was in and out of my dentist appointment in ten minutes! :D

Yes! :D I can’t remember for sure if I mentioned I had one scheduled for today or not, but I had to make one because of a filling that was bugging me. quq 

Buuut I got in there today and they used floss and stuff and figured out that a tiny little piece of the latex-like netting thing, which they use to stop anything from going down my throat when they’re filling my teeth, had gotten fused to the side of my tooth, but not the front or back where I might’ve maybe noticed, it was between my teeth, ehhh. ;v; But I mean hey, that’s done now, and if I’m still having trouble with it in a week I’m supposed to go back in. 

Hopefully I don’t have any more trouble with it, though. xD

I even made the bus home after school was done too, though! So I didn’t end up having to wait for Mum to be finished at work, which I totally expected to have to do. :o

Anyway, I’m reeeeally sleepy now, and I have to get up kinda early to have a shower anyway, so I think I’m gonna go to bed for tonight. quq

I’ll be on again tomorrow for sure, though! uvu

Night guys! ^^