I forgot how laggy Art Fight is the first couple of days. xD

Yeaaaah. x’D I got in long enough to get my team and look around a tiny little bit, but that’s it so far. :o I’m on Team Tea this year! :D

I’m hoping that it’s gonna stop lagging and going down so much soon, so I can start drawing some stuff. :3 Ideally I get to start tomorrow, since I don’t think I’m doing anything then? :o

Anyway, I’m kinda just tired tonight, and I’m not really sure what else to talk about? quq I wanna talk about safegrad and stuff a little sometime, but I dooon’t think I have the energy tonight, ehhh. 

I’m probably just gonna stop writing for tonight now I think, but I’ll be back on again tomorrow for sure! ;o; I’ll hopefully have more to say or at least have more energy to talk about stuff then. xD 

Good night guys! ovo

I dropped my phone in the ocean today. xD


But I mean it happened? ;v;’ I was just trying to pick a rock up ot of the water when I ended up at the beach for a few minutes today, and my phone ended up falling out of my sweater pocket in the process, ehhh. quq It didn’t even turn my music off or anything though, and I’m kinda thinking maybe it was lucky I didn’t get shocked since I had my headphones in, whoops. But if this isn’t proof that I needed the more expensive otterbox case that I have, then I don’t know what is. xD 

I don’t think any water ended up inside my phone or anything because of the case, but I’m gonna put it in rice tonight just to be sure. uvu 

In other news, I think I might be going to see some fireworks tonight! :o There’s a bunch happening in a few places near here tonight, since it’s Canada Day. ^.^

I also saw Alasdair today, which was really nice! :D I saw him at this farmer’s market that Melissa and I went to with Mum and Rob. I also got to see this girl I used to be friends with a reeeally long time ago too, we were friends back in like kindergarden and I haven’t seen her in years, since she moved to Alberta. :o 

Anyway, I’m kinda really sleepy tonight, honestly! ;o; So I think I’m just gonna stop writing for tonight. quq 

I’ll try to write more here tomorrow for sure, though! I’ll definitely be on again then. ;v; 

Good night guys! :D

I saw Solo today! :D

Yes! uvu I enjoyed it, I thought it was a good movie which is a bit of a contrast to what I’ve heard from a couple of people, aha. xD 

Jayden came with Dad and Melissa and I too, which was really nice! :D We got to see my aunt and uncle for a couple of minutes too, since they were on their way home around the same time we were in that town. :o 

And that about sums my day up, honestly! It was pretty much just driving to and from home, seeing the movie, and seeing my aunt and uncle, aha. It was a good day though, I’m really happy about it. ^.^

I’m kinda just sleepy now though, honestly, so I think I’m gonna stop writing here for tonight. quq 

I’ll try to talk more here tomorrow! ;o; I’ll be on again then for sure. uvu

Night guys! ^-^

Someone new got hired at work! :o

Yes! :o Or at least that’s what my coworker Amber said this afternoon when I was helping my grandmother get gas. So that’s good! :D 

I’m just getting ready for work now, and I’m running a liiittle behind with writing this so I’ve gotta get off for tonight. qoq 

I’ll be back on again tomorrow for sure, though! :D I’ll try to write more here then. 

Bye guys! ^.^