My legs were sore today after yesterday’s adventure. xD

Yeaaaaah. quq So that kinda sucked? But they’re better now than they were this morning, so that’s good at least. ^^

Honestly, aside from classes the most significant thing I did today was watch a bunch of my friends here play Cards Against Humanity, aha. xD

So that was fun! ^^ I was gonna go into town today with Jett and Jenny, but then it was poooouring rain, and I haven’t driven much in the rain yet and I’m not very familiar with the roads here yet, so I decided against going today. quq But hopefully it’ll be less wet out tomorrow! 

Anyway, it’s getting kinda late now and I’m getting sleepy, so I should probably go to bed pretty soon. ;o; So I’m gonna get off for tonight to finish getting ready for bed I think! But I’ll be back on again tomorrow for sure, so I’ll try to get more written here then. ^-^ 

Night guys! :D

I got lost for an hour and forty minutes today. qoq

Yeah. ;-; My life drawing class ended up in the park near here this morning, and I had to leave early because I had an appointment with student services to talk about my ex-friend since he’s here  and doing the same stuff he was doing when we were in highschool at the same time, so I left the park at 11:20 but I got lost and didn’t get back to campus until like one, and just aaaah. ;o; 

I’m exhausted. qoq It’s not even nine PM yet, and honestly I’m just doing what I usually do to get ready for bed now, and I’m gonna go to sleep pretty soon I think. quq 

I don’t really have the energy to say anything else today, honestly, so I think I’m just gonna stop talking for today. ;v; 

I’ll try to write more here tomorrow! 

Night guys. ;o; 

I have a little TV here now, but I don’t have any way to set it up. xD

My grandmother gave it to me, but she couldn’t find the stand for it and I’m not allowed to put holes in the walls or anything, so I’m not sure how I’m going to set it up yet? :o 

I’ll figure it out somehow, anyway. xD 

So I got to see Mum, Melissa, my grandmother and Jayden today! ^^ My grandmother originally wasn’t supposed to be coming up, but the work she had to do got put off until tomorrow so she was able to come visit! :D 

So today was a good day. ^^ I wish it could’ve gone on longer than it did, but ah well, I’ll hopefully be able to visit home sometime soon! 

Anyway, it’s after eleven PM and I’m really tired, so I think I’m gonna get ready for bed now. ;o; 

I’ll try to get more written here tomorrow, either way I’ll definitely be on again then! quq

Night guys! ^.^ 

Mum, Melissa, and Jayden are visiting tomorrow! :D

Yes! ^.^ I’m excited, ahaha. :D 

A looooot of people went home for the weekend here too, actually? :o It’s been super quiet here, I’d guess I’m one of the few whose family is coming to them instead of being the one to visit. 

I did some work on one of my assignments today, but otherwise today’s been pretty quiet! Besides the assignment, the most significant thing I did today was call Jayden for three hours, aha. xD

Anyway, it’s getting late now, and I’m kind of really sleepy and have been since like four, so I think I’m gonna go to bed for tonight! uvu

I’ll be back on again tomorrow though, so I’ll try to write more here then. ^^

Good night guys! ovo