I think I’m finally almost done my demo reel! :D

Yes! ^.^ I’ve maaaybe already mentioned that here, but I was able to make some really good progress again today! :o I’m getting a lot closer to being done which is really nice, once I finish it I’m gonna take a few days to have a break I think. quq 

Anyway, it’s really late and I have to get back up and work again tomorrow, so I think I’m gonna get off for today now! ;v;

I’ll be on again tomorrow for sure though, and I’ll try to write more here then! :D

Night guys! ^^

The internet has been so slow here all day. ;o;

Yeaaaah, it’s been worse than usual, which really sucks. quq Usually unplugging the router and then plugging it back in helps, but even that didn’t help tonight.

Hopefully it won’t be as bad tomorrow! ;o; 

Today was a pretty productive day, which was nice. :o I’m suuuper tired now though, I woke up a few times early this morning before my alarm went off so I’ve been extra tired today. quq

So I think I’m gonna get ready for bed now, but I’ll be back on again tomorrow for sure! uvu I’ll try to write more here then. 

Good night guys! :D

I ended up having to do laptop updates instead of working for a good chunk of the morning. quq

Yeaaaah, so that kinda sucked. quq I was hoping to get way more done today than I did, but hopefully I can make up for it tomorrow instead. :o

I didn’t really do much else today besides do the updates and work, besides that all I called Aidan for a bit tonight and that was pretty much it! ;v; 

I’m just getting ready for bed now, I was up later than I intended last night so I’d probably be better off sleeping sooner rather than later tonight. quq 

So I think I’m gonna get off for today now, but I’ll be back on again tomorrow for sure, and hopefully I have more to talk about here then! :D

Night guys! ^.^

I was a lot more productive than I expected to be today! :o

Yes! :o 

I did laundry, swept my room, cleaned up most of the bathroom, and I helped Dad and his friend launch his friend’s boat this afternoon. 

On the upside, I got a lot done! On the downside, I kicked up some dust when I swept my room and the bathroom and my sinuses have been bugging me all night. quq 

Anyway, it’s really late and I think I’m gonna get off for tonight so I can go to bed! :o

I’ll definitely be on again tomorrow, though! ^^

Good night guys! ovo