I had a really hard time winding down to sleep last night. quq

Yeaaah, I ended up awake until after 1am in the end. ;v;’ I was talking in Thomas’s discord server for a while though, so that was nice! :o I figured I’d only be talking for a couple of minutes since normally I would’ve been pretty much ready to sleep by the time I was replying, but it just didn’t happen for me last night. quq 

Ah well though, I’ll hopefully get to sleep earlier than that tonight! uvu

I didn’t do much today besides more practice work, I did laundry and helped with groceries and Dad and I watched a movie tonight, but that was it! :o

Anyway, I think I’m gonna stop writing here for tonight now so I can finish getting ready for bed, but I’ll be back on again tomorrow for sure! quq 

Night guys! :o

Tonight has been going by SO fast. quq

Yeah, it feels like every time I look at the time it’s been a half hour, but it only feels like it’s been a couple minutes. ;v; 

Today wasn’t really very noteworthy, honestly! I did more practice work today, and then I was talking to Jonny and Jermis tonight, and that was about it! :o 

I’m getting ready for bed now, I’m later than usual doing my usual routine stuff but I’m hoping to still get to sleep around the same time as usual! quq 

Anyway, I think I’m gonna stop writing here for tonight now so I can finish getting ready for bed, but I’ll be back on again tomorrow for sure! :o Hopefully I’ll have something more interesting to talk about here then. 

Good night guys! uvu

I had a really hard time focusing yesterday and today. qoq

Yeaaah. ;o; Hopefully tomorrow focusing will be easier! 

I don’t really have a lot to talk about tonight, I just tried to do more practice work today and I was talking to Jermis while I was doing that for most of the afternoon, and that was about it! quq 

I’m just getting ready for bed now, I started falling asleep so I figured now was a good time to go through my routine so I can go to sleep. ;v;

I think I’m gonna get off for tonight now so I can finish getting ready for bed, but I’ll try to write more here tomorrow! :o I’ll be on again then for sure.

Good night guys! :D

I’m reeeally sore from the shovelling yesterday. ;o;

Yeaaaah. qoq Everything above my waist hurts, pretty much. I’m really hoping that most of it will go away tonight and I’ll wake up in the morning and not hurt so much, but we’ll see what happens! quq 

Today was kind of a weird feeling day, I just didn’t have a lot of energy and then between that and the soreness from yesterday today was pretty noneventful. 

I don’t really have anything else to talk about here today, honestly! ;v;’ It’s getting pretty late now though, and I’m really tired, so I think I’m probably just gonna stop writing here for tonight now and get ready for bed. 

I’ll definitely be back on again tomorrow though, and hopefully I’ll have more to talk about here then! quq 

Night guys! ;v;