I wasn’t able to start working until 1pm today. quq

Yeaaah, I just didn't get anything assigned to me until 1:45, but the scene of key poses I turned in last night ended up getting approved around 1, so I was able to get a start on animating that at least! ;o; 

Definitely a really weird kinda day though, it kinda felt like either nothing or everything was happening. quq

Anyway, it's getting pretty late, so I should probably be getting ready for bed! ;v; So I think I'm gonna wrap this up for tonight now, but I'll be back on again tomorrow for sure! 

Night guys! ^^

It was surprisingly icky outside today! :o

Yeaah, it was suuuper rainy and windy out, and overall not a nice day out at all. quq I'm hoping we'll see some sun sometime soon, I have less energy when it's grey out. 

Today wasn't particularly exciting, I was awake too late last night and up early today, but thankfully I didn't find that I was extra tired today! :o I'm definitely going to try to sleep earlier tonight, though. 

Other than that today was just a work day, I watched a little tv with Dad before he went to bed when I ran out of brainpower to do any more work, and that was pretty much it! 

Anyway, I think I'm gonna stop writing here for tonight now so I can wind down to sleep, but I'll be back on again tomorrow for sure! ^^

Night guys! ovo

I spent way more time in town today than I expected to! ;o;

Yeaah, I thought I'd be home by lunchtime, but I ended up having lunch in town and getting home around 3pm in the end instead. quq So today definitely didn't go according to plan either, but I got a bunch of things I needed and a few things I wanted, so that was good at least!

I found a weighted blanket for a lot cheaper than I expected today, so that was definitely a highlight! :D I lucked out with it I think, it was the only one of that weight and style they had left, and the only other 10lb one they had was a lot more expensive. :o

Anyway, it's starting to get late and I've still got a few things to do tonight before I go to bed, so I think I'm gonna wrap this up for tonight now so I can go do that! uvu

Good night guys! ^^