I'm commissioning plushies of Matthew and Louie! :D

Yes! ^.^ It's a definite thing as of tonight, which is really cool. :D
I was suuuper conflicted over whether to get Jakk done at the same time too, but I decided to just get Matthew and Louie because of the total cost in the end, I had to pay a lot in duties for Alexander and King's plushies because of the cost of them and if I'd gotten Jakk, Matthew, and Louie all at once it would've been getting pretty close to the same overall cost, so I would've had to pay a bunch in duties again since these plushies will be international too. ;u; Matthew and Louie's will be coming from the US instead of France though, so hopefully the shipping won't be as long as Alexander and King's was! :o Theirs wasn't too bad either way, though. Ideally I wouldn't have to wait at all though, ahaha. xD
Anyway, I'd write more here tonight, but it's late, and I have to get up early for school tomorrow, so I have to go to bed for tonight. D:
I'll try to get more written here tomorrow! qoq I'll be on again then.
Good night guys! quq

I got like five and a half hours of sleep last night, and I've been like 40% awake all day. xD

Whooopsssss. x'D I didn't get to sleep until after two AM, and then I woke up sometime when it was light out before eight and I ended up back asleep for a while, and then I got up for the day around eight because Melissa and my grandmother were both awake and I slept in my grandmother's living room since we were staying with her and Melissa had the spare room's bed. 

But ah well, I don't have any regrets or anything! :o 

I go back to school on Wednesday, which suuucks, I'm not ready for the break to be over yet. ;o; I'm looking forward to seeing my friends of course, but I'm not looking forward to the work at alllll. ;u;

Anyway, I'd write more here tonight, but I should probably go to bed at least kinda soon since I was up so late last night. .3.

So I think I'm gonna go and finish getting ready for bed and stuff, but I'll be on again tomorrow for sure! :D I'll try to get more written here then.

Good night guys! ^.^

HAPPY NEW YEAR, it's still 2017 here for now though! xD

Yeah! :D It's not even eleven thirty here yet, ahaha. xD

I was streaming for a little while earlier! :o It went way better than I expected, honestly, aha. x'D Thomas, Jayden, and I think Andrew all popped in for a minute, and I had someone I don't think I knew come and watch for a while and talk a little in chat too, which was really cool! :D 

I'm gonna try to stream more sometime, I think. ^.^ 

Anyway, I'd write more here tonight but I still have to draw the sketch of my character Riven that I do every New Year's Eve, so I think I'm gonna go do that before I run out of time to do it before 2017 is over! :o 

I'll be on again tomorrow for sure, and I'll try to write more here then! :D

Happy New Year, guys! :3

I'm gonna buy a rainbow backlit keyboard! xD

Yes! :D Since I need it for when I wanna watch stuff with my laptop when it's hooked up to the tv screen in my room at Mum's. :o My room there isn't very big, and the desk beneath the tv screen is too far away to reach from my bed so in order to reach my laptop I have to drag a tv table into my room, which leaves basically no room to leave or anything without having to be suuuper careful you don't knock everything over. .3.

I really wanted a wireless keyboard, but it's hard to find one that lights up rainbow like I want that's wireless at all let alone for less than like $70. xD

The one I'm gonna get is only about $30 with shipping and stuff though, and I think the cord's a decent length so it should work out fine! :o If I have to I can always buy a regular wireless one sometime though, either way it's gonna get used at some point. uvu 

Anyway, I wish I could write more here tonight, but it's already after nine thirty PM, so I have to get off for tonight. ;u;' 

I'll be on again tomorrow for sure! :o I'll try to write more here then. 

Good night guys! :D