I'm gonna buy a rainbow backlit keyboard! xD

Yes! :D Since I need it for when I wanna watch stuff with my laptop when it's hooked up to the tv screen in my room at Mum's. :o My room there isn't very big, and the desk beneath the tv screen is too far away to reach from my bed so in order to reach my laptop I have to drag a tv table into my room, which leaves basically no room to leave or anything without having to be suuuper careful you don't knock everything over. .3.

I really wanted a wireless keyboard, but it's hard to find one that lights up rainbow like I want that's wireless at all let alone for less than like $70. xD

The one I'm gonna get is only about $30 with shipping and stuff though, and I think the cord's a decent length so it should work out fine! :o If I have to I can always buy a regular wireless one sometime though, either way it's gonna get used at some point. uvu 

Anyway, I wish I could write more here tonight, but it's already after nine thirty PM, so I have to get off for tonight. ;u;' 

I'll be on again tomorrow for sure! :o I'll try to write more here then. 

Good night guys! :D