Entries from 2013-07-27 to 1 day

More fliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiips ;u;

http://newflipnotehatena.mixxt.com/ ;u; Look! A site for downloading some flips! >e< AND OH MY GOSH THERE WAS ONE WITH DEMONS AS THE AUDIO! ;U; I've been looking for one with that. :'D WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT. WAT. THIS IS NOT MY GAME. THE BOX…

O_o What the heck..?

I started a new thread on RES. It wasn't 3:05 PM when I posted it. And then when I replied, it wasn't 3:08, it was 3:16. Wat. Explain that one to me again. Ah. That's what's going on.. Princess eh told me. It's a glitch. The posts are gett…