So.... Yeah.

I didn't end up awake at 4. I was feeling pretty cruddy when I went to bed, so i didn't bother, it was only going to make me feel worse. .-. I saved a whole bunch of flips, and four of mine have survived the shut down. You can see them at the bottom of my blog, and when you click on an entry. So, instead of me paying for the new Flipnote Gallery: World, I'm exchanging friend codes with people, so it's FREE! :D So, leave your code in the comments, and I'll add you. My code is 4098-2448-3658 (XD I have it memorized)!

I just found out that one of my favorite creators EVER had the same reaction as me to the shut down. We both went through it the same way, too. Said good night, went to our rooms and cried. ;-; I loved FN Hatena so much, and now it's gone...

Today is going pretty rough.... I might just get off the computer and go draw or something...