It's raining.

Like POURING. And I feel so bad for one of my friends. I got soaked at a family day thing, we went fishing, and it wasn't raining this hard. Now I'm hoping for the love of Mewtwo the power doesn't cut. Maybe I'll try to get a picture, post it here....f:id:CometShard:20130608143818j:plain

:3 That's my backyard. You can't really see the rain, but you can kinda see it on the table. It's absolutely pouring. .-. It's 3:36 PM, and it's been raining basically all day. Anyway... I told you all yesterday about my bus being late, and the library being closed. We were TOTALLY SANE.



That's the MichaelRapter and Shikimari (Shikimari's on deviantART). I'm the one who took the picture, so you can't see me :3

I've been trying to get a video I shot yesterday while we were there (I made such a mess of Michael's shoelaces xD) to upload to my dA .-. It got to 48% and quit. >.> I've got it trying again, now it's at 22%.

And I've been thinking of starting a new blog for posting my stories on. What do you guys think? Tell me!

I think the rain's stopped now... >.> It's 5 PM now.