Meh. .-.

I don't feel all that good. And I'm tired. And I had a headache. .-.

Andy started a thread, called "-Things you probably didn't know about me." Now look what happened xDD


There's four of them there. That's just the first page. :3 He started a trend. Oh, yeah. I have more screenshots of random stuff from yesterday to show you guys.

WAT. SERIOUSLY? *smashes face off desk* .-. It just uploaded. Lemme see if I can get a different screenshot to upload instead.

NOPE. AGHHHHHHHHHHHH COME ON, HATENA BLOG. GET WITH IT. LEMME UPLOAD STUFF. :/ *sigh* I was able to upload a literal ton a few days ago.. Craaaapp...

How... How is this over six hundred characters? O.o Hm.

Well, since I don't really have a pile to write here today, I'll give you guys what was in my trend thread.

-Hate raw carrots. No. Hate.
-I will only wear one brand of headphones at a time, or else the newer brand sounds muffled.
-I don't like fish, either. With the exception of clams and fish sticks.
-I wake up at eight ish, get on here and don't log out till nine PM.
-I almost killed my mum's tablet.
-I killed the tablets charger.
-This isn't my tablet xD
-I have been called a boy like seven times.
-I'd rather make male charries than female
-I'd rather draw male people than female.
-I have two little wolves in my head, one Eevee-style, the other human-animal, or furry-style
-The two wolves express the emotions I can't show.
-The furry-style wolf shows rage, sadness, boredom, tiredness and pain
-The Eevee-style wolf shows happiness, joy, sadness, pain, longing
-I sleep with my stereo on.
-I find it hard to sleep without my ceiling fan on, but I can't sleep with a louder fan. It has to be a low hum.
-I sleep with a night light. xD I hate the dark, unless I'm the one making it happen.
-I sleep with... *counts* ten or more stuffed animals every night.

-I can't start more than one file on a game without abandoning one.
-I can't start more than one file on a game with out it totally messing up the first file, as in what I do
-Hate spiders.
-I name all spiders within my sight Fred.
-I have a friend who acts like he's part dinosaur.

-Terrified of wasps.
-I got stung by a wasp on my big toe a few years ago.
-I eat tons of sweets and junk food, but I'm actually pretty thin
-My room is a black hole
-I get Comet / Comet eh more than my real name
-I pick up random rocks I like and take them home.
-Those rocks get abandoned somewhere and then never seen again / never picked up again
-My cat is an evil yet sweet yet mean female-thing
-I've been stuck on a fence probably about four feet off the ground and cried. Sat there for at least a half hour before my dad yelled at me to get off. Which I did. With difficulties. I was like nine or younger at the time.

-I do actually use the moshi monsters game-thing. I have good friends on pinz. I feed my monster for the sole purpose of not looking like I've left.
-I laugh like a crazy person for night reason at random times
-Ankles are fine xD
-I found an issue of Shonen Jump at a used book sale, and it was from 2008
-The magazine was literally one volume behind me in Naruto
-The magazine is the crown jewel of my manga collection
-I'm not allowed to read manga rated 16+

-I'm having issues with my ''shift'' key
-I can't get any more screenshots to upload to my blog.

WHAT. NO. NO NO. I JUST COPIED AND PASTED THE REST OF IT AND YOU MEAN TO TELL ME IT DIDN'T SAVE. WAT. HOW. BAD, I GIVE UP. I feel sick again, and tired, and just plain crappy.