............. ._.

Zach got hit by a car... :O

I'm pretty sure he's okay, but his arm is sore.. Yeah, I figured that out xD

He tried to take a piece of paper (No, I'm not telling you what it was. If you want to know, note me on dA or something), and I went after him. I grabbed his shirt, and I musta got his arm, too, cause he said 'Okay, okay.' and he said I like ripped his skin off xD (I didn't though. :3) He gave it back and then explained that his arm was sore, cause he got hit by a car, which I already knew.

Of course, I don't want everyone seeing the paper, because I'll get questions. Only Kayla and Michael have seen what's on it.

So, after he tried to take it I got kinda shaky, and more protective over it, because when Zach tries to take something, chances are he'll try again at some point ;-;

I'm in French. ELA is next. Kayla and I both forgot the book we need to ELA DX Greeeat.

I figured out why I wasn't feeling good yesterday. 030

I was hungry. I ate a granola bar and felt a bit better, and then I dug what was left out of my lunch can and ate that too. I felt better after that xD

My writing is light. ;-; It's hard to read without much light when I'm trying to type the entry into my blog. It's getting on my nerves D:<

Dawson got sent to the office for some reason.. :O

Colton went home. His glasses lens like came out or something.. .3. I'm not totally sure.

Oh, I ended up getting the book I needed xD

I wonder how Frenchie's oing? :3

I think I might leave my email somewhere here, once I email the home computer to see if it reveals my name. The old one did, not sure about this one. I still plan on asking my mum for my own email, though LOLNOICHANGEDMYMINDONLEAVINGITHEREXD

I'll test it out once I get home uvu

Only an hour and a half left of school now owo Yey~

//flails arms// I can't wait for the weekend.

Told Michael that if he keeps forgetting to register for dA I'll right it on his forehead and both his hands xD

I want to do a big pixel art project sometime.. :3

But I'll need to do some more Pokemon sprites first.

I have to go..