-writes entry- CLOSE ENOUGH! xD

I don't have everything quite packed yet, I plan on finishing later before dad gets here. uvu






Okay, caps lock aside, I need to find out the measurements of those ears. :3

It's nice outside today ewe

Oh yeah! I still have to get some of my school stuff together and all that crap, and mum wants me off the computer now..>.<

Bye guys.

I'm feeling accomplished now xD

It's eleven thirty at night, so if I make spelling mistakes I might not see them, kay? :3

Using my aunt's laptop.. uvu

No idea how long I have or how much I'm gonna write though.

Three hours to Halifax, and then another half hour to this campground, so I was in the car for a total of three and a half hours, with about a half hour to an hour break for food at about six thirty ish.

It's twenty to midnight now, and I feel really awake but I'm so tired just asdfghjl

We had a fire a little while ago, and we roasted marshmallows and made s'mores with them and all ewe

The dogs are here, too. X3

There's supposed to be a frost tonight, too.. D: It's gonna be cold, in other words. >.<

I have homework. .-.


Science and math.

We're doing fractions in math.. Whooooo. -sarcasm-

Fractions suck. .-.

On a seperate note, I kinda want to do on dA and RES but I probably won't be able to. Ah well. uvu

I'll have at least a bit of time tomorrow, and I don't really care a whole lot xD

I guess I'm too tired to care or something, I dunno.

Eh.. I can't find anything to write, and I probably have to get off soon, so I'm gonna go.

It's ten to midnight now..

Bye guys. ^-^ I'll be on tomorrow~