This occured to me. Involving Flipnote 3D.

About the DSi Library..

We can access each other's Hatena flips if we know the other's number.

For example-


When you go to the transfer screen, you see your pass for the Library, which gives you lock and unlock access, while the ID above it gives access to the flips..

I was thinking.


We could exchange our IDs.

Not the passes or anything.. But just the ID numbers.

I'll leave mine if anyone wants it. .3.

And to be honest, I'm torn between asking Pikachu♥ for hers or not. >.< She's ShirraPikachu on dA, I could so easily note her and ask.. It's a matter or courage I guess. .3. I'm not good with stuff like that, asking for things like pictures and stuff.

But right here, it says this-

"By inputting the Nintendo DSi Flipnote Studio ID of another user, you can view and save their Flipnotes. However, Flipnotes locked by their creator cannot be edited."

That's here-

Meaning, there's the possibility of being able to access the flips of people like Pikachu♥ and other creators.

The number above isn't mine, that's just a random one. I copied and pasted my own there and just rewrote it with new numbers and letters, following the same format mine did. 030

Now. I'll write more here later on, maybe in a few minutes so yeah. -w-


Yeah. Imma go now. uvu Bye.