I feel all accomplished now. ewe

I have 3707 views on my bloggggg :D

It's funny because I have people just reading this thing, listening to me rant about whatever the heck is going on in my life. xD

Y'know, you'll find more out about me here than you will anywhere else.

Anyway, I'm going to be offline a lot tomorrow, 'cos I'm going to Halifax.

Well, not Halifax, but somewhere near there xD

We're gonna stay the night and go shopping for whatever we feel like looking for too, and we'll probably see a movie~ ewe

Last time there was wifi at the hotel, so I'll probably get on at some point. uvu

Maybe not here, but I'll probably be on RES and dA if I get online ewe

Anyway, I only have another fifteen minutes and I don't know what to write, so I'm just gonna stop writing for tonight I think. ;u;

Sorry guys.

Good night~