Hooray for (more) free Internet! /dies

The power might be out at home, and I'm at this concert thingy so I may as well do this now just in case.

Mum says that if we have to, we'll crash where another aunt of mine lives. I could just as easily crash with Kayla, too xD

But we got stuck in our driveway trying to get to this concert for twenty minutes, and we don't know if the power will be on or not when we get back. 030

So yeah.

I hope to get a few pictures while I'm here.

Kyle Mischeik is here, and Cameron Malloy of YTV's The Next Star, and another guy whose name I don't remember, and the choir from my school.

My god this is hard to write, I'm on the iPad again. .-.

I suppose I'll just stop writing then, and if I can continue when I get home I will.

If not, I'll just wait till tomorrow. Simple as that. /shrugs

 Yeah, I'll stop now~ 

Bye guys~