So it's Christmas eve eve.


And don't I feel loved.

First of all, there's this new category on moshi now- Moshi Monsters Village HQ, or MMV.

Long story short, I shared my opinion on some things, Liv took it as being directed at her alone, two people backed her up on it, and MMV exploded into fighting.

Ocean pointed me out and said it was my fault, and while it was dying down Liv said something along the lines of 'Oh yeah, no-one listens to anyone but Ocean and Comet, the queens of MMV!' *1, and she kept provoking Ocean.

Now Liv hates me, and I'm not sure about Puppy or Queen anymore.

But hey, great start to the category guys. :|

We decided to make it like a safe zone- no fighting allowed, it's a place where there's like an endless truece, etc.

Well lookie lookie how well that worked out so far.

Well, we were able to post our Secret Santa gifts today. I suppose I'll show you guys what I did now~


If you can't tell by the lyrics, I did it to the Imagine Dragons song Demons.

Well, I have to go now. uvu

Bye guys.

*1:Though ironically, Ocean is a dude..