What is this Weasyl site, anyway?

I know it's an art site, but why is everyone moving to it on dA and stuff? /keyboard smash

Staaaaaaahp, people. D: Don't leave dA just because of some crappy admin- we're better than that, aren't we?

Ehhhhhh, I'm like 900% done with winter right now. //dies

All this extra depression and stuff, and now this? [violently throws piano down stairs] WHYYYY IS THIS HAPPENINGGGGGG? //rolls over and dies again

Like can people not please? ;u;

People are all upset and depressed, and it's more so than usual and all that crap with the admin 'realitysquared' and the 'oh hey tracing's allowed!!' thing that he/she seems to be spreading (At least that's how people are reading it, anyway. .-.) are causing quiiiiiite a bit of trouble in the community it seems. Oh joy.

I have to go now. /keyboard smash

Bye guys. D: