
I found out why Andy's being a butt.

It doesn't make sense.

He says he's not interesting in keeping any of the friends he had when he was Andy (Remember, he changed his name to Jordan..), not even me or Re.

But then what about Smudgedd, or Chase, or the others?

What about them..?

He gave them his new account..

I hate this.

I don't understand.





I don't even feel great anymore, I'm like.. sicky, sort of.. And I swear to god I'm going to cry.

Can I just like stay in bed tomorrow and not come out for a week.

I don't want to go anywhere tomorrow.

I don't even trust myself to talk right now, and I've been holding tears back so long they're starting to try to force themselves down my face.

Gah.. I gotta go, guys..
