So it's been six months.

It doesn't feel like it though.

Six months already..?


Murrrr, maybe this is why I've been sad all day.

It's been six months.

(If any of you have paid enough attention to remember what happened six months ago today I love you and comment and tell me you remember okay)

It's funny, because back in July and August I just wanted summer to be over.

But, now that it's winter.. I want summer back.

(Please don't mind me and my weird logic xD)

So, school was cancelled today.

It wasn't snowing, or excessively cold, it was that the roads were crap I guess. xD

I'm not complaining though. //rolls around

It doesn't even feel like February /keyobard smash

It feels like it was August like two or three months ago, like it's still November.

The summer went by really fast too. ;u;

On a totally unrelated note, doesn't everyone have that one piece of clothing that they can wear and just like close their eyes and imagine they're in the timeframe they sed to wear it? xD Or is it just me?

Well, for me it's this red and black sweater, with a leopard's face on the front. (I'd show you but I can't find any pictures of it on google //dies))

I've had it since sixth grade, and I wore it every day all through sixth grade, and a bit of seventh (I had to stop because mm and dad didn't want me wearing it because it was getting a few holes in it- there's one on the left elbow, and the right-hand cuff's seam at the top is mostly undone, but other than that it's basically undamaged xD)

I used to wear it all the time whenI was animating, too.. Haha, I still put it on sometimes just for the sake of it- it even still fits! ;o; Sure, the bottom of it doesn't go down as far as it used to, but the sleeves are the same length they were on me before, and it's super comfortable. ewe

I put it on the other day and walked over to dad and I was all 'Hey look, dad. >:3 Remember this?' and he remembered it and he told me I should wear a different sweater, and I simply told him I was just showing him I still had it and it fit. Then I looked him straight in the eye and told him 'And you can't make me get rid of it. If you try I will hide it. I am keeping it.' He just gave me his sarcastic 'Mm-hm.' and that was the end of that.

But if I wear it, and it's just the right time in just the right place, I can close my eyes and everything feels like I'm still in 2012.

I love it. X3

I don't even know why I love feeling like it's still 2012 so much. I just do, I guess. 030

Well, it's official.

PokeFarm has closed for registration.

No-one else can register.

//pets my own account protectively//

Now to be more active. xD

But PokeFarmQ is open for registration now! It's still beta, so there's still a whole lot of features not there yet.

I might hold off on registering for now.. I don't want to abandon the original PokeFarm just yet- besides, Miles is still there too. uvu

Anyway, I have to go now. D:

Bye guys! ewe