What is this extra bar next to the submit buttons.

Since when was that there? o-o

New update, I guess...? 030

I dunno. xD

Anyway, I have nothing to say, except the fact that March break starts Friday! :D

I'm going on one year at RES. o-o I find that hard to believe, actually.

And in April, I"ll have known Andy for a full year too. (The twenty seventh of April, to be exact, according to my searches through past pages of RES and my screenshots)

Kayla's birthday is the twentieth, if I haven't already said it, and then there's Melissa going to that Gaelic collage on Friday or Saturday (Depends on when dad is free), and then the Hedley concert on the seventeenth.

Not to mention I'm going on two years here at Hatena, too. I'm gonna check last year's callender and figure out when it was I joined, I think, because I can't remember right off xD

And I can't forget I'm going on two years of animating too. ewe

Busy, busy month this is. xD

I believe this means some of my charas will be going on two years now, too, actually. Amber and Simon will be two years old on the fourteenth (Though I have a slight idea Amber may be slightly older, as I think she appeared in a flip done just before that one). Meaning that my two year anniversary here is less than two weeks away, because I joined about the same time I made those two~

Oh hey, glad dad's not home, because it's quarter after nine and he woulda raged about fifteen minutes ago if he was home. xD

Gotta go.

Bye guys! ^^