So I didn't end up going to school. uvu

My sister had a doctor's appointment this morning, and before that my cat had to be gotten into the carrier so we could take her to the vet (Long story, I'll explain if I have the chance tomorrow.), but she wouldn't come inside for like a half hour, and we had to lure her into the carrier with tuna. xD

After that we left for the doctor's appointment, and then we continued on to the next town over (I think it was the next one over, anyway, but I don't know for sure. It was a larger town, though, not quite a city) and we hung out there for the rest of the day. I got two books- the third Divergent book, and one from the Hyperbole and a Half blog.

I'm still really tired though. ;u; And I have to go now. D:

Bye guys! ;u;