I got scammed on dA.

Out of a commission.

BUT it's ben sorted out I think, and I wasn't the only one scammed. I did file a report with dA, so I might get my points back. uvu People have offered art too, so either way I'll be getting my points' worth.

I had people offer to refund me, but I'd feel so bad if I accepted it because people have to earn points or buy them on their own, and I can't just take them from someone. qoq

But I'm not home tonight, I'm staying at my grandparents' place for tonight and tomorrow night. owo I borrowed this little USB thing that's supposed to let me use wifi on my iPad here, but it wasn't working so that failed. ;u; And of course I got a message from Andy just before I left, not to mention the other four plus messages I have to reply to on Kik, so this is great.. xD Ah well. I can't check my email or Tumblr either, but I think they can wait till I get home, aha. I'm tireeedddd today. ;u; I'm not sure, but I wonder if it maybe has something to do with the ninth grade orientation thing being yesterday. xD I don't think I mentioned that yet, come to think of it. ;o; But yesterday I went to the highschool for the day, along with all the other eighth graders, because we're all going to be going to that school next year, aha. At lunch we were allowed to leave the school to go out to eat (one of the perks of this highschool), so I went to Tm Hortons to see my mum, since she works there, and I got some cookies and an apple juice too. ewe They fed us pizza at the school too, but we had the option of leaving if we wanted. ... Kayla and I ended up doing both xD But yeah. That's basically what I did yesterday xD I have to go now. D: Bye guys!